request_format – Format of requests and responses

Responses are all in JSON format set with mimetype ‘application/json’. For requests that require a body (POST/PUT/PATCH) ensure that you set a correctly Content-Type, otherwise the server will responds with a 415 Unsupported Media Type.


Tornado Restless supports in addition to Content-Type: application/json the Content-Type: application/x-www-url-encodeded format.


The x-www-url-encodeded format should be fine for basics, but due the lack of type information, Tornado Restless will do some implicit conversions that may not reflect the correct intention (e.g. a parameter with one element (?param=value) is always a string, a parameter with 2 or more values is a list (?param=value1&param=value2)).

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query_format – Query Format

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